Mike Ruiz understands the monotony of stay-at-home life in our new normal, and believes that kids are feeling the harsh reality of quarantine life.
“Lots of parents and kids are stressed dealing with home school, work issues with parents sadly being furloughed, and so much more,” he exclaims.

As a self-proclaimed superhero nerd, Mike says he wanted to do something to bring well-deserved smiles to neighborhood children. He got to thinking about his life passion and how he could make a simple but meaningful difference.
“Being a huge geek, with costumes I’ve used for charity events, I decided to post in my local community Facebook group offering up a few character choices to drop by for birthday parades,” he says.

From there, it took off and this Spider-Man has stopped at nothing to provide joy to a handful of kids so far, and counting.
“I costume as many characters other than Spider-Man, including Iron Man, Captain America, Batman, Deadpool, and even Star Wars characters.”
Mike says it’s important to remember the necessary rule of social distancing with all of his meet and greets and has gone out of his way to keep safety his number one priority.
As much as his kind superhero actions have lifted the spirits of children and families, he says what he has received in return has been life-changing in this hard time.
“It reminds us all that there are still good things happening in the world.”

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