Saving my kitten from the middle of the…THRUWAY

The day started off like any other. But it sure didn’t end that way.
I was driving down the highway, headed to meet my coworker at her home, and noticed a little critter jumping on the median in the middle of the 55 mph thruway traffic. I remember thinking, ‘Oh, that poor squirrel’, but boy was I wrong. 
At second glance, I realized it was a tiny kitten!

​​ I could have reacted quickly with emotion, but knew my best plan of attack was getting off the nearest exit and looping back around. I prayed that he was still there when I came back for him.
When I looped back, I couldn’t believe it, but he was still there. I looked in my rear view mirror, and thank goodness, there were hardly any cars. I quickly put my hazards on and jumped out to get him! As I went to grab him, of course, he tried to run away, but he then realized I was trying to save him. He let me pick him up and take him into my car. There he snuggled up next to my bag.
Or so I thought…
When I got off the next exit, so I could pull over to assess the situation he was…GONE. I searched and searched, and couldn’t find him. Where could this tiny kitten have hid?
I called my boyfriend, trying not to panic, after I realized he got up into my dash board! We decided to pull the dash apart and put the light on to try and see him. After much work, and many hours waiting to see if he would come out on his own, he finally did. He was hiding under my seat. 
I was then (FINALLY) able to grab him, and take him inside at 6 am the next morning. 
I’m not going to lie, it took him many days, and many hiding spots to conquer before he felt comfortable coming around us. He was so scared. But, with patience and love, he is coming around. He also received a clean bill of health from the vet – so thankful!
We decided to name him Rambo Jr. My boyfriend’s nickname is Rambo, because he is a great outdoorsman, and since Rambo Jr. was a survivor on that thruway, we thought it was fitting.

He is such a love, and I am glad I was driving that day…that minute…that moment when he needed to be saved. 



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